Thursday, December 11, 2008

More Christmas Pictures

The party was at Teatro Zin Zanni - this crazy dinner / show place in Seattle. We had a great time... the picture with the odd guy in lots of make-up was a guy named Caesar from the Show. I don't know how they are going to top this party next year... 

2nd Grade Concert

2nd Grade Concert. The theme was around the world so Alexis wore her outfit from Japan (Uncle Brian was there a few years ago and brought it back). It was a good concert but Alexis was in the second row and since she's fairly small, I couldn't see her for most of the concert... so sad.

Christmas Party Picture

I think I'll post more later... we'll see I guess

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ice Skating

Auntie Ericka setup a Disney on Ice outing. Lex liked it so much that she asked to go ice skating when we got back to Seattle followed by the High School Musical on Ice Tour in Seattle.

Idaho November - 2008

After looking through these pictures, I realized I really didn't take any pictures of adults... 

Snow Princesses

Lex and I went out as snow princesses for Halloween - this was her idea, I promise!